
Showing posts from 2005

Good Party

Every year around Christmas time a friend of mine who owns a bar has a big party with free food and drinks for four hours. The food is always excellent and the liquor flows freely. Today I only had one shot of tequila instead of 5 or 6. Although I love to party with old friends, I'm kinda proud of myself for not getting too wasted. I think maybe I'm growing up. At forty six I still feel like a twenty year old. As a matter of fact just give me two of them.

Comedy Central Rocks.

People who read my blog might think I'm an angry person. Nothing could be further from the truth. I enjoy life and make it a point to laugh every day. Comedy Central is a wonderful thing. Yea Bush is doing incalculable damage to my country and things seem to get worse all the time. But with the Motherload at my fingertips nothing matters anymore.

Above reproach

I guess I'll post on torture again, it seems other people are not as outraged about this as I am. I cannot fathom how anyone can justify torture in the 21st century. I thought Saddam was bad. America is supposed to be above reproach in all matters moral and ethical. And don't be fooled by terms like "extraordinary renditions", if you deliver someone to be tortured you are just as guilty as if you did it yourself. We used to lead the world in trying to stop torture. I guess those reports about the CIA teaching torture techniques in Latin America in the 80's are true. Can you export democracy and torture simultaneously? I don't think so. I noticed Saddams trial is still moving along slowly. He pitches a fit and walks out every day. Why not bind and gag him like they did Bobby Seal in Chicago. I would have thought Saddams defense team would call Donald Rumsfeld as a character reference. We've all seen the pictures of them smiling and shaking hands back when R...

GOP Scandals

Evidence is trickling in every day highlighting the corruption deeply ingrained in the Republican party. Prominent party leaders and many of their underlings have their panties in a wad trying to decide whether to lie to the various courts of inquiry they are facing. Jack Abramoff is trying to decide who or what to give up. Testify truthfully about his dealings with Tom DeLay, or lose his freedom on perjury charges. Even the indominable Dick Cheney has to be worried about the consequences of his actions, perhaps for the first time in his life. Just wait and see what happens when the truth comes out about our torturing practices. You can't change established law on a whim. With republicans in charge, America is losing the respect of the civilized world.

I'm still alive

I seem to be emerging from the fog of flu. The last eight or nine days have been a blurr. I just laughed out loud for the first time in days. Only hours ago I was wondering if I was doomed to live forever with that fucking flu. I could feel the virus racing through my system. I think I understand my laptop on a whole new level. There are several free programs that scan for viruses and such. Wish I had one for humans.

Do you believe in torture?

If you answered yes to that question then you condone the torture of American soldiers. When we show the world that we are willing to torture their people we should be ready for them to reciprocate.

Can you hear me now ?



I used to think we should be tolerant of those who disagreed with us. Now things have changed so much that I find myself with no tolerance for intolerant people. Many people on the right have a fanatical hatred for liberals. I think conservatism is the bane of our existence now. To me conservatism is the iceberg, progress the Titanic. These narrow minded zealots will excuse any screwup and deny any wrong doing on the administrations part. Limbaugh said recently that democrats can't win an election so they go after conservatives in court. The truth is that they are so corrupt and so greedy that they wind up in court when they are caught committing crimes. Keep on watching the Abramoff case. That sob has ties to every major republican in office.

Wild and Wonderful

When I started this blog I expected people to slam my state. Either no one noticed or no one cares. If there are other West Virginians out there with electricity, a computer and internet access, I would like to see their blogs as well. Seriously WV is a great place to be, if anybody wants to comment on WV feel free.

Molly's on the money

I just read Molly Ivan's column in the Charleston Gazette online. She's good. The last part really sums up the way I feel when I see el presidente on TV. What a jackass. Molly says that Haliburton received 9 billion in contracts for Iraq. I read the other day that Haliburton gets 52% of all the money spent in Iraq. Most sources put the total figure at over 180 billion. If that's true that makes 90 billion give or take a billion or two. Only in America.

United What

I've been wondering lately why do Americans hate the U.N. If the "United States" is such a good idea then the "United Nations" should also be a good idea. If being "United" is as meaningful as the word implies, then we should all strive to be united. But people the world over have been united behind charismatic leaders with bad intentions. Today Bush spoke to the U.N., this time instead of haranguing other leaders and threatening sanctions against everyone he had a conciliatory tone. In a great show of world community, many other countries contributed to America's hurricane ravaged south. Even Iraq contributed a million dollars. I hope this terrible event will open the hearts and minds of at least a few of the hard core conservatives in the south. Desperation has a way of changing people, sometimes for the better. I've seen what happens to hard-ass know-it-all people who are suddenly faced with death. I once worked with such a person who change...

Blood red America

It seems clear that the days of democracy are over for America. The hard liners in this country have a firm grip on all aspects of our life. Huge media conglomerates tell us everything they want us to know. As a matter of fact they are complicit in the perpetration of a fraud. Although we claim to practice a free-market economy the truth is we give huge subsidies to many different industries. Take for example the most recent energy bill. In it there were billions for the oil and gas industry even though they have made record profits and will continue to for many years to come. Soon the Chinese will demand more fuel for their Godzilla economy and the wealthy will be buying and hoarding gasoline. There is an finite supply, it will run out sooner than we think. Electric cars now, hydrogen cars as soon as possible. The fraud goes on in places like KPMG where they sold tax shelters other wise known as tax avoidance schemes. The super rich would pay for a slip of paper that allowed them to c...

911 trumped ?

Hurricane Katrina's aftermath keeps getting worse. More people are beginning to talk about body's lying around. Imagine the destruction if all those people had not evacuated. It seems that Bush was shaken by the looters, no doubt he stayed up all night watching Fox news. No he goes to bed before 9 even while he's on vacation. All 350 days of it. His work ethic is underwhelming much like the rest of him, he obviously didn't get where he has by merit. Mediocre is not lame enough to define his presidency but with a disaster not completely his fault to take the heat off of his war,he can now go back on vacation.I personally like his statement saying " if you don't need gas don't buy it" spoken like a person who never paid to fill up his own tank, ever. How did such a weenie ever get such a strong following? His supporters are adamant they don't care what he does or doesn't do they wholeheartedly support him. Its kinda creepy if you think about it. ...

Kicking the can with the ex-con

This is a story I wrote a few days ago. I've always been kinda crazy. Not dangerous crazy, more like quiet crazy. Since I've never been big and loud I often find myself diametrically opposed to big and loud people. One such person was an excon I'll call Tommy who liked to try to scare younger people. He was in his late 20's or early 30's I was about 17 then. At a large party in the hood Tommy declared that he could do more one handed pushups than anyone there. Like I said I'm quiet but kinda crazy. I took up the challenge and beat him easily. Being humbled by a kid didn't sit well with Tommy. He challenged me to a beer can kicking contest in front of everyone there. He wanted me to put up$50.00 against his .38 special revolver. I convinced him to do it for$20.00 and the bet was on. With 30 to 40 people looking on we squared off in the back yard. After much grandstanding and boasting Tommy kicked his can about 10 feet away. I knew I could beat that and no am...

How I earn a buck

I work for a large company{about 4 thousand employees nation wide}. We assemble large products that may be too time consuming for the buyers to put together. One of our largest clients is a major home improvement outlet. I have worked for this company for several months. In that time,every thing that I have assembled has been made in China. A few days ago I actually built something that was made somewhere besides China. It was a snow blower made in Canada. If we don't at least try to have a manufacturing base we won't be able to protect ourselves when China comes to call. America is getting weaker every day.

Washington Journal

I like to watch c-span's morning show. They allow people to call in and comment on different subjects every day. Its nice when someone calls in that obviously has done some thinking about a particular issue. It used to amuse me when conservatives would call in. Now I'm disgusted with them. I do not consider myself to be a partisan. If either party is screwing around the populous I want the people involved to be exposed and punished. These Bush apologists are like sheep or lemmings they blindly follow their leader, every idiotic policy he comes up with is fine with them. They seem to believe that god really does tell Bush what to do.


Here we are speeding into the 21st century and these lame ass conservatives are trying to take us back to the 50's, not the 1950's but the 1850's. You have to wonder about the sexual proclivities of people who get so worked up about gays getting married. Just live and let live. If these people want to preserve the sanctity of marriage they should take the profit out of divorce. Unless there is domestic violence involved whoever files should not get half of everything. I have been married twice and both times the women were able to take everything I had. I am a easy going guy and I never tried to take anything that didn't belong to me. Both of these women only married me because I had a good job. They both also went through my money like they earned it. But I digress I was bitching about conservatives. If you want to live your life clinging to some ideal world that never existed in the first place go ahead. Me I'm moving on.

On the road again

I'm on the road again. I'm posting from my laptop in my hotel room. I gotta tell ya I love free wireless. I even bought a power inverter so I can get my e-mails from anywhere that wireless service is available. Sometimes I'll get the computer ready and pull into a place that advertises wireless. In two clicks your online. I did read the other day that someone got busted in Europe for using his neighbors signal. Any day now they will start nailing us here. I will keep on doing it till then anyway. I hope all you people out there are watching the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Comedy Central is the shit.

I'm still learning how to post things.

This is me.