
Showing posts from December, 2005

Good Party

Every year around Christmas time a friend of mine who owns a bar has a big party with free food and drinks for four hours. The food is always excellent and the liquor flows freely. Today I only had one shot of tequila instead of 5 or 6. Although I love to party with old friends, I'm kinda proud of myself for not getting too wasted. I think maybe I'm growing up. At forty six I still feel like a twenty year old. As a matter of fact just give me two of them.

Comedy Central Rocks.

People who read my blog might think I'm an angry person. Nothing could be further from the truth. I enjoy life and make it a point to laugh every day. Comedy Central is a wonderful thing. Yea Bush is doing incalculable damage to my country and things seem to get worse all the time. But with the Motherload at my fingertips nothing matters anymore.

Above reproach

I guess I'll post on torture again, it seems other people are not as outraged about this as I am. I cannot fathom how anyone can justify torture in the 21st century. I thought Saddam was bad. America is supposed to be above reproach in all matters moral and ethical. And don't be fooled by terms like "extraordinary renditions", if you deliver someone to be tortured you are just as guilty as if you did it yourself. We used to lead the world in trying to stop torture. I guess those reports about the CIA teaching torture techniques in Latin America in the 80's are true. Can you export democracy and torture simultaneously? I don't think so. I noticed Saddams trial is still moving along slowly. He pitches a fit and walks out every day. Why not bind and gag him like they did Bobby Seal in Chicago. I would have thought Saddams defense team would call Donald Rumsfeld as a character reference. We've all seen the pictures of them smiling and shaking hands back when R...