Do you believe in torture?

If you answered yes to that question then you condone the torture of American soldiers. When we show the world that we are willing to torture their people we should be ready for them to reciprocate.


Anonymous said…
I am a conservative, but I am against torture. Not because it's immoral. Not because it's allegedly ineffective (i believe it is very effective). But I am totally against it because it's an easy way out - short term gain for long term pain. By torturing one's enemies, we might get some valuable information, but so what ? Any short-term advantage (finding out about a ticking nuclear bomb, or a terrorist plot in-progress) that might save a few lives, will be offset by the huge DISADVANTAGE of preventing the terrorists from killing innocent people. Let me explain - a terrorist who fails to kill isn't really a criminal. If we arrest him, there will always be suspicion that he isn't really guilty. A government arresting such a terrorist can be accused of overreacting (or framing an innocent). The public opinion might even feel sorry for the terrorist-to-be. But if we let the terrorist act, if we let him kill innocent peoples, then the wrath of the public opinion will turn against the terrorist. The people will demand blood. They will vote for conservative, law-and-order politicians. Bleeding-heart liberals will be accused of betraying their country. You want proof? I've got the proof! Remember 911? Everybody was screaming bloody murder, Bush's approval ratings were in the 90%. Liberals were hiding under rocks. But in the aftermath of the Iraqi War, when no WMD were found, when Saddam was captured before he could do anything nasty, the public opinion turned against Bush. He went too far! He overracted!

I wish Bush didn't invade Iraq. I wish Saddam would send terrorists to blow up a city in America. Then, after the attack, Americans would wake, act like men and defend themselves. And elect a president that would make Bush look like a pussy.

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