
Showing posts from 2006

Great Wave of 06

I would like to thank each and every one of you who voted to remove Republicans from office. I knew a lot about the Bush's before he was first elected and could not fathom why anyone would want to give him the keys to the kingdom. As he has all his life, he screwed everything up and now daddy's friends are trying to help him create some kind of legacy. There seems no doubt now that he is the worst president ever. I wonder if Rumsfelds termination is part of an agreement between Pelosi and Bush to quash impeachment proceedings. Thanks again for voting to change the future of America.

Got vote?

Is anybody out there going to vote this time? I can't believe there's not more free thinkers out there. If we don't put a stop to the republican machine we will all be tortured for it in the future. Its obvious to me how corrupt and power mad the Rs have become. Their brand of government does not work in a modern society. I renounce all attempts to curtail my freedom.

I'm back

I have to say I was not impressed with Dallas. The heat is not the only thing that makes Dallas uncool. The summit was a success though. To see the entire organization from the top down swilling beer and partying down is inspirational. My company knows how to party. The plans are already being developed for the next party in Feb. or March. We stayed at the Hyatt Regency in DFW. I would not recommend it to others. You can't smoke in the bar and pool is 7 or 8 dollars for a half hour. Where I come from the challenger pays for the game. I just got distracted by a commercial for "girls gone wild", all those hot little honeys whipping out their titties floors me every time. Whew

I still love Book TV

I'm watching Ann Coulter on Book TV. What a piece of work. If this woman actually believes what she says, she needs psychological help and fast. She said Fox News is not very conservative. She said liberals were only behind the war on terror for two weeks. I am the most liberal person I know and believe me I would kick some ass in a minute. I think the most disturbing aspect of her talk{if I can only pick one}, is the pretty young women in the audience soaking up this drivel, some of it reinforcing falsehoods in their still developing minds. Now she's wishing for one more right-winger on the Supreme Court. This event is being held at the Clare Boothe Luce policy Institute. I guess some people aren't too particular about who they associate with. She says conservatives have more sex than liberals. In particular conservative christians. That sounds odd to me, why have so much sex if you are so appalled by it. She calls the New York Times the enemy playbook. I'm anxious to...

John Deans new book

I'm watching John Dean on Book TV as I write this. He has written a new book about conservatives and their authoritarian problems. This guy really understands what is going on. Check it out, Book TV has a web site also.


I have a hole in my life where my library used to be. For decades I have read and collected hundreds of books. I enjoyed non fiction the most and had quite a collection of old atlas's and science books. Many of my books were over a hundred years old and quite rare. Often when I needed comfort I found it in my books. Due to downturns in my finances{unemployment or under employment},I ended up losing my home and putting all my stuff in a storage unit. I scrambled for two years trying to make my storage fee and my truck payment. To make a long story short I was able to keep the truck but the storage people snuck an over due bill past me and seized my stuff. I had counted my books when I packed them and found that I had five hundred fifty seven of them. I've lost many things over time but this one hurts a lot.

Is that what I said?

I have to admit I've been leery of posting lately. We were once guaranteed the right to free speech by the 1st. Amendment to the constitution, the linchpin of the bill of rights. Now the wrong bumper sticker on your car will get you arrested and fired from your job. If we stand by and let this administration run rough shod over the NY Times then the great American experiment will be over. The real truth must come out and the sooner the better. This administration has brought nothing but shame to America in the eyes of the world. Our position as self professed Leader of the free world is at stake. Soon other nations will dictate what happens on a global scale. I predict a gradual but irreversible decline if this country continues to elect conservative leaders.

Tighten up Texas

I'm coming down there for the last week of August, I will see first hand what kind of place spawns a fool like W. The real fools though are the ones who continue to support his dim-witted agenda. He and his ilk have neither the intellect or the ability to process complicated issues. Its amazing to me that so many people will vote against their own best interest on some lame ass issue that has no effect on their life. Conservatism is the scourge of America. The only way that a society can advance and yes evolve too is by dealing with issues openly and honestly. Educating people is the only cure for our collective stupidity.

Have Fun

I insist that everyone who reads this post have some kind of fun in the next 24 hours. Do something that you really enjoy and revel in it. Tomorrow never comes, if you wait around for the right time you miss out on spontaneous fun that may pop up at any time. If you can, go fishing or hiking. They call it The Great Outdoors because it really is great to be camping or fishing in the wilderness.

You call this a strip joint?

Well I visited Chicago on business for a week last month, and while I was there me and a few co-workers went to a strip club there. I was completely underwhelmed. They had a lot of women walking around seeking private time at 25.00 for 5 minutes. The dancers did not strip at all. You were encouraged to pay for a private viewing to even see their titties. Playboy magazine said a few months ago that WV has more strip joints per. Capita. than any other state. If you come to WV, you must check out our clubs. You will see naked women and it wont cost you an arm and a leg to see some tits and ass.


Soon I will be flying to Chicago for a week of training and maybe some fun too. I hope to find something cool I can take a picture of while I'm there. No doubt it will be cold as hell there. If there is anything I must see, let me know.

Winds of Change

A new job changes everything or nothing. It all depends on a 90 day probationary period. This job is very demanding. I carry a PDA that tracks my time in seconds, maybe even nano seconds. Talk about a ball and chain. I've only had it one day and so far it has been acting like it hates me. I will break its will to dominate me. I was born free, I will live free till I die.

Was Dick drunk?

The only thing that makes sense is that Dick was hammered and had to sober up before facing the police. He admitted that he had a " beer". What if he also polished off a fifth of scotch and a few of Rush Limbaugh's oxyconton. If you or I had done this the police would be on us big time. Also what a bush league thing to do [pun intended], I learned as a small boy not to fire a gun unless you knew exactly where the projectile was going to stop. Many states require anyone guilty of shooting someone in the act of hunting to surrender their hunting licenses for a year. Usually its an inexperienced hunter or an intoxicated hunter. Come clean Dick they have the technology to wash your blood now, just ask Rush.

Black Appreciation Month

With Martin Luther King Day now in the rearview mirror its time to look forward to our next opportunity to bond with our black brothers and sisters. Lets change Black History Month into Black Appreciation Month. Instead of paying homage to one man's dream on one day, lets show real appreciation for the huge economic advantage that slavery provided our country for centuries. We could pay reparations for the debt we most certainly owe, or we could start reaching out to include black people in our everyday lives. I once worked for one of WV's largest employers, I could count on one hand(with fingers left over} the number of blacks employed in the field. You must give a man an opportunity to work before you say he will not work. What if for a month we take the time to find our similarities instead of focusing on perceived differences? Invite the black family down the street to your next bbq. Next time the black guy down the block is working on his car, bring your tools and offer t...

Lets Go Mountaineers!

Is anyone out there watching Big East basketball? Have you seen a WVU game? Mike Gansey is the next Larry Bird. Taken together this team is for real. A 1-3-1 defense that handcuffs even experienced teams. These guys are cool under pressure and are getting better at hanging on to a lead in close games. Pitsnogle and Gansey both put up 30 on a good Marquette team. Look out UCLA here we come. When this team is hitting on all cylinders they can hang 100 on anybody including Duke.

Was that a deer?

I live in an area with a lot of deer running around. Recently I've had a few close calls with deer on the highway. I had a dream in which my lady and myself were driving along when she yelled "look a deer". When I looked over the deer looked at us and I said " that's no deer that's Donald Rumsfeld". I swear that deer had the face of Rumsfeld. I woke up immediately and remembered the dream vividly. I don't know if Rumsfeld's ineptitude is analogous to deer running out in front of moving vehicles, but clearly in my sub-conscious mind there is a similarity.

Jack is Back

Yes good ole Jackoff, I mean Jack Abramoff, is making his momma proud. He and his ilk claim to be moral and above the rest of society. Watch now as the plea deals start coming in. All the tearfull apologies and mea culpas. I'm waiting for Ralph Reed, Grover Norquist, Tom DeLay,Bill Frist, and a cast of republicans and religious leaders too numerous to mention to stand there in court and face the music. Who is hurting America now? Its obvious that money meant more than the god they claimed to hold so dearly. Can they still claim moral superiority over liberals? I think not. On a lighter note The West Virginia Mountaineer football team won the Sugar Bowl. How sweet it is. I predict they will be No.1 in the country soon.