Black Appreciation Month

With Martin Luther King Day now in the rearview mirror its time to look forward to our next opportunity to bond with our black brothers and sisters. Lets change Black History Month into Black Appreciation Month. Instead of paying homage to one man's dream on one day, lets show real appreciation for the huge economic advantage that slavery provided our country for centuries. We could pay reparations for the debt we most certainly owe, or we could start reaching out to include black people in our everyday lives. I once worked for one of WV's largest employers, I could count on one hand(with fingers left over} the number of blacks employed in the field. You must give a man an opportunity to work before you say he will not work. What if for a month we take the time to find our similarities instead of focusing on perceived differences? Invite the black family down the street to your next bbq. Next time the black guy down the block is working on his car, bring your tools and offer to help. Take the black lady from work{chances are there's only one} to lunch, invite her to join your book club or bake sale. If decades ago we had taken this approach relations between the races would be stronger.


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