I still love Book TV

I'm watching Ann Coulter on Book TV. What a piece of work. If this woman actually believes what she says, she needs psychological help and fast. She said Fox News is not very conservative. She said liberals were only behind the war on terror for two weeks. I am the most liberal person I know and believe me I would kick some ass in a minute. I think the most disturbing aspect of her talk{if I can only pick one}, is the pretty young women in the audience soaking up this drivel, some of it reinforcing falsehoods in their still developing minds. Now she's wishing for one more right-winger on the Supreme Court. This event is being held at the Clare Boothe Luce policy Institute. I guess some people aren't too particular about who they associate with. She says conservatives have more sex than liberals. In particular conservative christians. That sounds odd to me, why have so much sex if you are so appalled by it. She calls the New York Times the enemy playbook. I'm anxious to read John Deans new book. He has uncovered some research into conservative mindsets that are very revealing. Sad to see so many young women being led astray.


mtnman said…
Its been a long time since anyone commented so I thought I would do it myself.

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