
Showing posts from August, 2005

How I earn a buck

I work for a large company{about 4 thousand employees nation wide}. We assemble large products that may be too time consuming for the buyers to put together. One of our largest clients is a major home improvement outlet. I have worked for this company for several months. In that time,every thing that I have assembled has been made in China. A few days ago I actually built something that was made somewhere besides China. It was a snow blower made in Canada. If we don't at least try to have a manufacturing base we won't be able to protect ourselves when China comes to call. America is getting weaker every day.

Washington Journal

I like to watch c-span's morning show. They allow people to call in and comment on different subjects every day. Its nice when someone calls in that obviously has done some thinking about a particular issue. It used to amuse me when conservatives would call in. Now I'm disgusted with them. I do not consider myself to be a partisan. If either party is screwing around the populous I want the people involved to be exposed and punished. These Bush apologists are like sheep or lemmings they blindly follow their leader, every idiotic policy he comes up with is fine with them. They seem to believe that god really does tell Bush what to do.


Here we are speeding into the 21st century and these lame ass conservatives are trying to take us back to the 50's, not the 1950's but the 1850's. You have to wonder about the sexual proclivities of people who get so worked up about gays getting married. Just live and let live. If these people want to preserve the sanctity of marriage they should take the profit out of divorce. Unless there is domestic violence involved whoever files should not get half of everything. I have been married twice and both times the women were able to take everything I had. I am a easy going guy and I never tried to take anything that didn't belong to me. Both of these women only married me because I had a good job. They both also went through my money like they earned it. But I digress I was bitching about conservatives. If you want to live your life clinging to some ideal world that never existed in the first place go ahead. Me I'm moving on.

On the road again

I'm on the road again. I'm posting from my laptop in my hotel room. I gotta tell ya I love free wireless. I even bought a power inverter so I can get my e-mails from anywhere that wireless service is available. Sometimes I'll get the computer ready and pull into a place that advertises wireless. In two clicks your online. I did read the other day that someone got busted in Europe for using his neighbors signal. Any day now they will start nailing us here. I will keep on doing it till then anyway. I hope all you people out there are watching the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Comedy Central is the shit.

I'm still learning how to post things.

This is me.