
Showing posts from 2008


I am so glad that America will have a thinking man in the White House. The last eight years of having an asshole who governed with his gut has really driven our country into the ground. How refreshing and reassuring to know we will have a contemplative man running our country. Twelve o'clock noon on January twentieth cannot possibly get here soon enough!
Its time for "we the people" to take back our country from the right-wing crowd. They have proven that all they can do is divide us and bring us down. A free thinking America must make honest assessments about the situation that we find our selves in and take action to preserve and protect our union. America was founded by progressives and our future will be much brighter if we follow their lead and repudiate the policies of the past. Conservatives have driven our economy off a cliff. Don't let them ruin our childrens futures too.