
Showing posts from July, 2006

John Deans new book

I'm watching John Dean on Book TV as I write this. He has written a new book about conservatives and their authoritarian problems. This guy really understands what is going on. Check it out, Book TV has a web site also.


I have a hole in my life where my library used to be. For decades I have read and collected hundreds of books. I enjoyed non fiction the most and had quite a collection of old atlas's and science books. Many of my books were over a hundred years old and quite rare. Often when I needed comfort I found it in my books. Due to downturns in my finances{unemployment or under employment},I ended up losing my home and putting all my stuff in a storage unit. I scrambled for two years trying to make my storage fee and my truck payment. To make a long story short I was able to keep the truck but the storage people snuck an over due bill past me and seized my stuff. I had counted my books when I packed them and found that I had five hundred fifty seven of them. I've lost many things over time but this one hurts a lot.

Is that what I said?

I have to admit I've been leery of posting lately. We were once guaranteed the right to free speech by the 1st. Amendment to the constitution, the linchpin of the bill of rights. Now the wrong bumper sticker on your car will get you arrested and fired from your job. If we stand by and let this administration run rough shod over the NY Times then the great American experiment will be over. The real truth must come out and the sooner the better. This administration has brought nothing but shame to America in the eyes of the world. Our position as self professed Leader of the free world is at stake. Soon other nations will dictate what happens on a global scale. I predict a gradual but irreversible decline if this country continues to elect conservative leaders.